A Welcome from Your Co-Chairs

Welcome to the Cornwall Federation of WIs .. where everyone is welcome!

As Co-Chairs for the Cornwall Federation, Margaret Johnson and Liz Baker extend a warm welcome to you on visiting our website.

Both of us have been WI members for many years and have found huge benefits by being a member of this amazing and dynamic organisation.

By joining a WI, you will be able to take part in a wide variety of activities and to campaign on issues that are important to you and your community. As a democratic, social and educational charity, the WI offers you the opportunity to make new friends, build new skills and be inspired.

Our local WIs have regular monthly meetings, special interest clubs and competitions, as well as getting out and about across this beautiful county, visiting glorious gardens and heritage sites.

As Co-Chairs we love to hear your ideas and suggestions that helps takes our Federation forward, and we hope to meet you at Federation events and when we travel out to individual WIs.

If you are not a member but might be interested in joining a WI in Cornwall, please fill in our Join the WI form and someone will get back to you soon.

-Margaret and Liz