WI Advisers

WI Advisers Liz Anderson and Kathy Reed

The Membership Support Sub-committee, made up of WI Advisers, plus a few helpers and trainees, is responsible to further the work of the WI in Cornwall. This is achieved by working with WIs, offering friendship, guidance and support as required. Training sessions are organised for WI officers and committee members from time to time. Encouraging women to become members and promoting the WI generally are important parts of their work.

WI Advisers
Yvonne Toms (Chair)
Kathy Reed (Vice Chair)
Helen Kestle (Vice Chair)
Barbara Corbett (Secretary)
Liz Anderson
Jane Mills
Mary Thompson
Margaret Edgcumbe
Membership Support Assistants
Kath Whitworth
Jill Trew
Board Liaison
Margaret Edgcumbe
Check the CFWI Year Book to see which WI Adviser is attached to your WI.