Free Computer Courses at Chy Noweth!

CFWI is partnering with Cornwall Rural Community Charity, who have funding to run courses about gaining confidence online. Whether you use a laptop, tablet or phone, it’s important to know what you’re doing, while staying safe at the same time. There is so much you can do online, so don’t waste this free opportunity to […]

Coads Green WI Welcomed at Cowslip Workshops

Outside visits are always a highlight for members of Coads Green WI who received a very warm welcome from Jo Colwill and her team of Jane and Ellen at Cowslip Workshops on the evening of 8 March. Coads Green WI President Linda Willan welcomed members who had braved the elements to meet and enjoy a […]

Cury WI Visits Trewidden Garden

Cury WI members, along with some partners,  enjoyed a lovely visit to Trewidden Garden near Penzance. Head gardener Richard Morton gave the group a guided tour with an interesting talk on the history of the gardens as well as describing the flora and fauna. The tour was followed by an excellent lunch at the garden […]

A Trustee’s Work is Never Done!

Being a CFWI Trustee is a varied job! I say job but, of course, we’re volunteers. One day you might be organising an event for members, another day handling budgets and another day baking cakes. Today, Trustee Penny Picton was busy planting up the wall at our headquarters at Chy Noweth an Conteth. Next time […]

Trevone WI Scrapbooks

For several years, Jan Creffield, Trevone WI Secretary, has been keeping scrapbooks to record most of the WI’s activities and events. These super and interesting books are great fun to browse through and and provide a visual record that shows how much the WI has grown and developed over the last few years. They will […]

‘WI Talk’ by Sheila Goldsworthy

Former CFWI Chairman and current Assistant Media Officer Sheila Goldsworthy writes a wonderful monthly WI column for The Cornishman. Here is Sheila’s March column: Spring has arrived with a deluge of WI events to both educate and in which to participate for our members. We are all invited to the Coffee Morning at Marazion Community Centre, on Friday 5 May,10am-12noon, […]

Rosebowl Quiz 2023 Results!

On Friday, 23 teams sharpened their pencils and their wits on a rainy afternoon at Ladock Village Hall, to compete for the annual Rosebowl Quiz. Through the rounds it was nip and tuck with South Hill WI triumphing in the final round. They notched up 91.5 marks – congratulations! Not far behind was last year’s […]