A Recipe Book from Boscastle WI!

The women of Boscastle WI don’t sit on their laurels and, following on from their success with the Scarecrow Challenge earlier in the year, they leapt into creating a recipe book. The 54-page cookbook, entitled Eat, Drink & Be Merry .. with a touch of Mother’s Ruin Cocktails was a giant undertaking, including recipes submitted […]

Boscastle WI’s Inspirations to Beat the Blues

To avoid a period of inactivity and the blues that can result from limited social contact, Boscastle WI has created a surge of options to engage members, some of which spilled over into the community. First and foremost was getting on board with Zoom meetings early in the first lock-down. Very quickly the WI decided […]

Mawnan WI Book Club Launches

Mawnan WI Book Club (MBC) was launched a month ago in response to the request from members to set up a book club. Eleven avid readers attended the inaugural meeting on Zoom – probably the first time that most of the members had been in a virtual book club. They began by talking about what […]

2020 Photography Competition Results

The 2020 Photography Competition, organised by the Combined Arts sub-committee, has, as with so many aspects of life, been disrupted by Covid. However, photographer David Chapman judged the entries during lockdown and his overall judgement was that there was a very high standard this year, so thank you to everyone who entered and congratulations to […]

Praise for SeaGirls WI from Lord-Lieutenant

The SeaGirls WI and other local organisations and businesses were delighted recently to receive a letter from Colonel Edward Bolitho OBE, Lord-Lieutenant of Cornwall, thanking them for the tremendous volunteering work they carried out during the first lockdown. The SeaGirls WI played an integral part in the St Minver Community Support Group, initially set up […]