A 75th Anniversary Garden Party for St Dominick WI

St Dominick WI held their 75th anniversary party this week. The event took place in a member’s garden, hosted by Mandy Nicholson. The evening was made simple with cheese and wine with nibbles. The cake was a Genoese sponge filled with strawberries and cream. The members were fortunate to have such a wonderful sunny evening. […]

Book Review – The Accidental Countryside: Hidden Havens for Britain’s Wildlife

Many of us will be aware of the extraordinary way in which peregrine falcons have colonised Britain’s cities, taking advantage of cliff-like buildings on which to build their nests and scope their prey – the ubiquitous pigeons which fly beneath them. Stephen Moss begins his story with a description of this charismatic creature, the fastest […]

CFWI’s First In-Person Event since Lockdown!

A group of WI members from Crowlas & Ludgvan WI, Illogan WI, Ladock WI, Praze-an-Beeble WI and Withiel WI joined in CFWI’s very first event since we all went into lockdown in the spring of 2020. This intrepid group enjoyed a guided walk, finally reaching the summit of Rough Tor – the rain only just […]

Trevone WI’s Garden Group is Blossoming!

Trevone WI’s Garden Group was formed in 2017 with just a handful of members who shared a common interest in gardening and the beauty of plants and flowers. The women began to share their knowledge and friendship kindled within Trevone WI. The Garden Group has now mushroomed and has 38 members, all as keen as […]

Free Yoga Sessions

The CHAOS Group is offering free fortnightly  yoga sessions in the Chaos Café Garden at the Recovery College. CHAOS (Community Helping All Of Society) spans a range of industries, from hospitality, health and beauty, agriculture and social care. They strive to offer a range of community services  including creative media services, co-production and engagement tools. […]

A Rainy Linkinhorne Garden Party

Recently, members of Linkinhorne WI, along with partners and friends, attended a garden party at the home of member Viv, in her beautiful garden on the banks of the Lynher River. It rained, of course, but the members were undeterred and enjoyed Pimm’s, cake and tea in the rain! A raffle was held which raised […]

An Invitation from Week St Mary Bonaventures WI

Week St Mary Bonaventures WI would like to invite all WI members to their July Zoom meeting, where they will be welcoming guest speaker David Chapman. David will be presenting a talk entitled ‘Wild about Cornwall’. There is a suggested donation of £3 for those who are not Week St Mary Bonaventures members. For details […]

An Artistic Honour for Talented Crantock WI President

Linda Hallwood, President of Crantock WI, is an amazingly talented artist.  Still, she was thrilled and surprised to have been selected as a wildcard contestant for Landscape Artist of the Year, a Sky television programme some of you are probably familiar with. Last week, Linda took part in the competition which was held at the Eden […]