What is the MCS?
MCS stands for Membership Communication System, a national database each WI uses to keep the NFWI up-to-date with its members.
What does the MCS do?
The MCS enables communication throughout the organisation and is used by the NFWI to send you regular updates about your membership.
When a new member joins, her details should be collected by her WI using the WI Member Details Form and added to the MCS. Once added, she will be sent her new member’s welcome pack and begin receiving WI Life magazine.
There is a function on the MCS to allocate roles to members, such as President, Secretary and Treasurer. This information is used to send NFWI mailings three or four times a year to WI Secretaries, so it is important to keep this updated to avoid correspondence failing to reach them.
It is very important to ensure your details as a WI Secretary are up-to-date and entered correctly, as incorrect entries will result in your WI missing out on national mailings, voucher books and raffle tickets.
The MCS is also used to gain individual access to My WI and WI Training. Every member must have a valid email address entered on their MCS record to receive their login instructions when they first start using My WI. This is to ensure the site is only accessible to members.
Do I need computer skills to be an MCS Rep?
While it is helpful for an MCS Rep to have basic computer literacy, she does not need to own a computer – just to have access, for example at a library or community centre. Download an easy-to-follow guide to using the MCS.
Are members’ details safe?
The MCS operates in the strictest compliance with the Data Protection Act and no members will be approached by a third party against their wishes.
Keeping the MCS secure is the responsibility of everyone who has access to the records. Access is restricted only to those who have been allocated a username and password and only one access is given per WI.
Who can I contact with questions about the MCS?
If you have any queries, please contact the CFWI office on cfwi@btconnect.com or 01872 272843; they can put you in touch with our Federation MCS Rep or request further information from the NFWI if necessary.
How do I administer a dual member on the MCS?
A dual member can now be entered onto the MCS by the WI MCS Representative.
If a member joins your WI as a ‘dual’ member, you should enter her as you would a new member and click on ‘Check for duplicate’. The member should show up with her Primary WI listed. If you click on the member’s name it will add her as a dual member to your WI.
Access the MCS
If you’re an MCS Rep, you can access the MCS using the same login details you use for My WI.
MCS (Membership Communication System) is the database that lists all members of the WI and from which names and addresses are taken for WI Life. It is the basis for all the NFWI’s record keeping and correspondence.
It is essential that changes to the membership of your WI are dealt with as soon as possible. This can be done by your WI MCS Rep or by myself as Federation MCS Rep.
If you have a member of your WI who is prepared to be your MCS Rep, she needs to have log on details which she can get from me. If you do not have anyone within your WI willing to be MCS Rep, then please send details of any new members, members leaving your WI, officers’ details or any other changes to your WI direct to me.
If you are your WI’s MCS Rep and are entering a new member on to MCS please put their date of joining in the appropriate box. NFWI will then send them a new members pack.
When using the postcode to find the address, please ensure that the complete address is entered.
If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact me, via the CFWI office.
~ Liz Anderson