The month of June was, pardon the pun, jam packed with WI events for the members of St Mary’s Isles of Scilly WI.
An RNLI Yellow Welly Walk was available for all islanders and visitors. Each laminated wellington boot hidden on a trail walk had a letter on the reverse, making up a water safety warning (float like a starfish). Members had fun finding them all and ended at the RNLI Lifeboat slipway shop to offer donations before enjoying enjoy ice creams.
Later in June was a particularly busy day with a beach clean and litter pick in the morning, in support of the Wildlife Trust, swiftly followed by running a cake stall at the rescheduled Island Dog Show that afternoon. Member Angela Jenkins’ spaniel Saffy won ‘Best in Show’! The stall was busy and raised money for both the WI and the Veterinary Support Group.
The next outing was a brilliant gin tour, talk and tasting at the Old Town Scilly Spirit Distillery. Everyone there learned a lot about many aspects of gin history, production and marketing, as well as how to pour, and properly savour, the perfect gin and tonic!
The committee met for afternoon tea and cakes to bid farewell to Andrea who has been such a big part of the ‘team’.
And towards the end of the month, many of the members attended the annual Island Flower Festival, also staying on for tea, cakes and a chance to chat about the theme this year of King Charles III’s Coronation. Next year St Mary’s IOS WI will be staging a floral exhibit to mark their WI’s 70th birthday, so watch this space!
Learning to pour and savour gin and tonic well done you.