A Splendid Coronation Celebration in St Neot

St Neot WI members Jenny Robinson, Julie Thomas and Marilyn Leggatt

St Neot WI members baked over 100 scones for the village Coronation Picnic on Sunday. Others made jam, and a group of the members served the teas to over 200 residents.

A special Coronation cake was baked for the occasion by WI member Diana Smith and it did not take long for that to be devoured.

To support the afternoon celebration, music was provided by St Neot Community Singers. The group consists of 10 St Neot WI members as well as non-WI members, accompanied by St Neot WI President Janina Waterman on piano and her Husband Clive on guitar.

Thanks to the fabulous weather, this was truly a day to be remembered.

The St Neot Community Singers

St Neot WI member Diana Smith and her beautiful Coronation cake

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