ACWW (Associated Country Women of the World) will be hosting an online Parallel Event with some great speakers on 14 March 2024 at 2.30pm. This event is free of charge.
When considering the acceleration of gender equality, empowerment, financial inclusion, and social protection systems, we must recognize that location and language matter. Rural, isolated, and coastal communities all present different scenarios for providers to address. If communities and service users cannot access provision in their own languages, familiar and relevant modes, or face displacement due to conflict, we see even greater barriers established. This event will present perspectives from Indigenous communities in Canada and Mongolia, as well as displaced communities from Afghanistan and Ukraine, and take a broader look at the impact of provision in rural areas, seeking to identify successful pathways to addressing current challenges, and ensuring future success in genuine and equitable empowerment.
Tugrug Uugan-Erdene, Director, Sain Tus Development Bridge NGO, Mongolia
Tracy Ridler, Senior First Nations Engagement Consultant, BC, Canada
Svitlana Salamatova, Geopolitical Alliance of Women, Ukraine
Nasifa Ahmadi Afghan, Graduate Teaching Associate in Law, Buckinghamshire New University, UK
Hon. Natalie Jameson, Minister of Education and Early Years, Minister responsible for the Status of Women, Prince Edward Island, Canada
Zoom Information: pwd=WFpoVEkwcW1iWStlNmcvMHlKRkRwQT09
Meeting ID: 893 6145 0473
Passcode: 901653
I have been looking into this very special organisation since I joined Sheffield and District (West Cornwall) WI two years ago and would have loved to take part in this zoom talk but 24hrs notice is rather short…..I help with a Memory CafĂ© in Penzance Thursday pm. Is there anyway of downloading this zoom talk please?
Hello, Sue! I’m not sure if ACWW will be recording this event and making it public, but you could contact them and ask:
In the meantime, the Cornwall Federation has an ACWW Representative – Amanda Penk. If you’d like to speak to her about getting more involved, please contact our CFWI office: We cannot pass on Amanda’s details to you because of data protection, but would be happy to pass your information onto her if you’d like.
Very many thanks for your reply. I will get in touch with Amanda.
Sorry….I meant to say I will get in touch with the CFWI and take it from there. Sue