The Calico Acts (1700, 1721) banned the import of most cotton textiles into England, followed by the restriction of sale of most cotton textiles.
The members of Hayle WI would like to invite you to a Zoom meeting on Tuesday 15 June at 7pm.
Guest speaker is Aline Turner.
A member of Gweek Players, and an ex-drama teacher and keen amateur dramatist, Aline has developed an interest in costume. Her talk is called “You Can’t Wear That!”, and refers to the history of sumptuary (clothing) laws. Sumptuary laws were used in England from the 12th to the 18th century. These laws served two main purposes: to restrain extravagance and luxury and to balance trade by limiting the import of goods.
Aline would like donations to be made to Save the Children. Donations can be paid into Hayle WI’s bank account and a cheque will be sent to Aline.
Sort code: 30-13-88
Account number:00039959
This promises to be an entertaining evening!
The meeting will start at 7pm but Hayle WI President Margaret Stockton will start admitting everyone from 6.45pm.