Annual Council Meeting Announcements

Your July issues of County News are in the post and on their way to your WI!

In this issue, you’ll read about our upcoming Annual Council Meeting, to be held on Monday 2 October 2023 at the Hall for Cornwall in Truro. 

We are thrilled to announce this year’s guest speakers, and hope you’ll be as excited about them as we are.

In the morning, we’ll welcome Colonel Edward Bolitho, Lord Lieutenant of Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly. The Lord Lieutenant has been a good friend to the WI over the years. He will tell us about his role and the role of the Lieutenancy, and perhaps will also have some stories for us about attending King Charles III’s Coronation at Westminster Abbey!

Those of you who were lucky enough to get tickets to hear ‘Mary Queen of Scots’ speak at Chy Noweth in March, will know what a treat it will be to hear our afternoon speaker. And those of you who missed out on that opportunity have another chance now. Lesley Smith will be returning to Cornwall to give us another performance, but this time in the role of Queen Elizabeth I. Lesley is a historian and actress and is curator of Tutbury Castle in Staffordshire. She is well known for her highly entertaining and informative costumed portrayals of historical characters. This will be something very special for all our members!

Each WI, as always, receives one Delegate’s Ticket and one Visitor’s Ticket to the Meeting. These are included in this month’s mailing to all WI Secretaries.

Additional tickets are available at a cost of £15 per ticket, and may be ordered through your WI Secretary, who has the application form. These tickets will be posted to your WI after the closing date of 21 August 2023.

This year we are introducing an additional way for members to purchase tickets to the Annual Council Meeting! We are using TicketSource for those of you who would like the convenience of ordering independently from home and paying by credit or debit card. There is a small admin fee charged by TicketSource – please note that CFWI does not receive that fee. We hope some of you might find this new ticketing method helpful!

To order your Annual Council Meeting through TicketSource, please click here.

We look forward to seeing a big crowd of members at the Hall for Cornwall in October for what promises to be an exciting day!

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