Have You Always Wanted to go to Denman?

Here’s your chance to win a bursary to attend a course at Denman! With Cornwall being so far from Denman, it makes a residential course much more expensive for us than it does for people who live in other parts of the UK. But here’s an opportunity to win a bursary to help out! Click […]

Coconut Square recipe, by request!

Those of you who attended last Friday’s ‘Girls’ Day In Revisited’ event might have tried the delicious coconut squares on offer. Some of you asked for the recipe, so here it is: Carol H’s Coconut Squares You will need a buttered Swiss Roll tin, about 9 x 13 inches and line the base with parchment. […]

Another Successful ‘Girls’ Day in’

We all know what a Girls’ Night Out is, but how about a Girls’ Day In? This event was so successful last year, that it was held again this year! Organised by our Activity and Leisure sub-committee, 62 members enjoyed a morning of relaxation and exercise on Friday. Groups of enthusiastic ladies had fun with […]

Fancy a Bit of Monkey Business??

A great idea for a day out this summer is a trip to The Monkey Sanctuary near Looe: a haven for rescued or unwanted monkeys. There are around 40 monkeys of all ages at the sanctuary, including woolly monkeys. They are irresistible! The experienced keepers are full of information for you. As well as seeing […]

What’s in My Trolley?!

Alison Gribble and Pat Mallett from the Home Economics and Craft sub-committee held ‘What’s in My Trolley?’ cookery demonstrations this spring in Probus and Coads Green. Alison demonstrated traditional recipes with a twist, and Pat showed how to cook and use some of the more unusual ingredients which are now appearing on our supermarket shelves. […]

Mobile Phone Photography Day

Say cheese! Last week WI members enjoyed a great day at Porthleven, learning how to make the best use of the cameras on their mobile phones.  Becky Curtis had prepared a day tailor-made for the group with photographer David Chapman adding his support to everyone. The great news is that both Becky and David have offered to take another […]

Climate Coalition ‘Speak Up!’ Week of Action

Have you met your MP?  Do you know what their views are, and whether they represent your own?  You can find our who your MP is by entering your postcode into the website www.theyworkforyou.com, where you will also learn what their interests are and how they have voted on different issues. This summer, the WI […]

Are You an Unpaid Carer?

If you are an unpaid carer, are you aware of Kernow Carers Service? Kernow Carers Service holds free forums as a service for unpaid carers to give them an opportunity to discuss the issues they face and have their voices heard in a welcoming and confidential environment, with others facing similar problems. There are many […]