Happy Pancake Day!

If you’re making pancakes today, why not try something a little different? There’s a delicious-sounding recipe on the NFWI website for Mushy Banana and Sour Cream Pancakes. The recipe was part of the Love Food Hate Waste campaign and is a great way of using up those over-ripe bananas. If you fancy something a bit […]

Resolutions results

Between November and February, every WI member had the chance to have their say about the resolution they wished to go forward to the Annual Meeting in Liverpool on 7th June. The results of the 2017 resolution shortlist selection process are: As the two most popular resolutions were only just over 2000 selections apart, the […]

Press Competitions notice

An update for all WI Secretaries: In your most recent mailing from CFWI, you’ll have received application forms our Press Competitions. An error was made, and both forms mistakenly read ‘Boslowick Cup’. One form should read ‘Whitecross Cup’. If you are entering your Press Officer in the Whitecross Cup competition for more experienced Press Officers […]

Our WI, Our Future Questionnaire

You still have nearly a week to participate in the ‘Our WI, Our Future’ questionnaire! The deadline is 28 February. The NFWI wants to know about your experience of WI membership, so this is your chance to tell them what you like, or dislike. As we embark upon the WI’s next century this is your […]

Sensory band craft challenge

Have you ever had a go at knitting a sensory band? Sometimes called ‘twiddle-muffs’,  these are knitted hand muffs, which are decorated inside and out with zips, buttons, beads or ribbons, and which have been proven to reduce anxiety in patients with dementia or delirium. By ‘twiddling’ and ‘fiddling’ with the bands, patients get visual, tactile […]

Resolutions Short List Voting

Did you vote for one of the short-listed resolutions in the November/December issue of WI Life? If you did, thank you!  Below is a table showing the results of all the votes cast by WI members in the Cornwall Federation: As you can see, we cast the most votes for the ‘Plastic Soup’ resolution, followed […]

Call for bunting-makers!

Would anyone like to spend a fun day at Chy Noweth in great company, helping to make bunting to decorate the tea area of our WI Marquee at the Royal Cornwall Show?  All materials will be provided. Please bring a packed lunch and also a sewing machine if you can. Tea, coffee, biscuits and cake […]