Trevone WI Members Design Christmas Card

Two talented members of Trevone WI, Ena Avery and Janet Carter, have designed and painted a winter scene showing a journey by a girl and her dog from the North Pole to Trevone. This charming picture has now been printed as a Christmas card and sold to the members as a fundraising initiative. Needless to […]

Penryn WI Organises an Autumn Beach Clean

Earlier this month, members of Penryn WI participated in a beach clean on Gyllyngvase Beach in Falmouth, organised by one of their newer members, Andi Poat. The weather cooperated and the group embraced the fresh breeze and lovely autumn sunshine. Lots of laughter was shared whilst the women rummaged through the large quantities of seaweed […]

Roche Rockers Hard at Work Making Poppies

Members of Roche Rockers WI were very busy recently, making poppies for Remembrance Sunday. They met an extra day each month to put together coverage for the church gates. They were all very pleased with the results and are continuing to make more poppies to add to the display for next year. Well done everyone. […]

Zennor WI Visits Energy Recovery Centre

Earlier this month, members and friends of Zennor WI shared a minibus and travelled up to St Dennis to visit the Cornwall Energy Recovery Centre. Since 2017, Cornwall Council has avoided sending waste to landfill by a combination of recycling and burning the rubbish from our black bags. First, members were provided with hard hats, […]

An Anniversary Tree-Planting for Linkinhorne WI

On Monday 14 November at their monthly meeting, members of Linkinhorne WI planted a crabapple tree in the Jubilee Field at Upton Cross to celebrate the late Queen Elizabeth’s Platinum Jubilee and Linkinhorne WI’s 90th Anniversary. Dave, husband of WI member Viv Jackson, dug the hole and helped plant the tree whilst members gathered round […]

‘WI Talk’ by Sheila Goldsworthy

Former CFWI Chairman and current Assistant Media Officer Sheila Goldsworthy writes a wonderful monthly WI column for The Cornishman. Here is Sheila’s November column: If you want to hear entertaining and informative speakers, join the WI! Members were privileged to experience a day’s tutelage when they attended the Annual Council Meeting at the Hall for […]

Christmas Baubles in Pensilva

The women of Pensilva WI must have been a bit bemused when they were asked last January to keep all their Christmas cards. It became apparent why when member Alison Willis showed them how to make baubles from their Christmas cards. Plenty of glue and laughter later, most of them could show off their beautiful […]

Royal Duchy, Falmouth, Christmas Lunch

Our Christmas County Lunch at Looe is fully booked, but there are a few spaces left for the lunch at the Royal Duchy Hotel in Falmouth. Even though the closing date has passed, please contact the office if you’d like to book a place! The mouth-watering menu is as follows: Starters Puy lentil and smoked […]

WI Letterhead for Use by Individual WIs

If you ever need to write and send professional looking letters or documents on behalf of your WI, this might help you! We’ve created generic Microsoft Word letterhead for you to personalise for your own WI. The letterhead is available in the ‘Forms’ section of our website. All you need to do is click on […]