WI Letterhead for Use by Individual WIs

If you ever need to write and send professional looking letters or documents on behalf of your WI, this might help you!

We’ve created generic Microsoft Word letterhead for you to personalise for your own WI. The letterhead is available in the ‘Forms’ section of our website.

All you need to do is click on the header of the letterhead and add your own WI information where indicated in yellow. You can then remove the yellow highlighting.

If you have any questions, just ask!

Posted in Uncategorized.


  1. We are a new WI in the North East and you are the only ones who appear to have an official letterhead which I think is important when writing to companies asking for them to donate prizes towards a fundraising event we are having.

    I have just one questions, at the bottom of your letter head is “Incorporated in England and Wales as a Company Limited by Guarantee – Company No. 2722754 Charity Reg. No. 101459”. Do I need to put this on to our letterhead.

    At the moment we have not got a Website and looking into do that also.

    • Hello, Victoria! The letterhead you’re looking at belongs to the Cornwall Federation of WIs. We (as as Federation) have a charity number and a company number, but individual WIs may not. The letterhead template we have provided for individual WIs to use does not include that information; however, if a WI is registered in its own right as a charity with the Charity Commission, they will have a charity number to include at the bottom. I don’t know how many WIs in your Federation are registered charities in their own right, but not that many in Cornwall are. I would suggest you get in touch with your WI Adviser for more help – that’s what she’s there for! And good luck with your new WI! I hope you’re having fun with it!

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