Porthleven WI enjoyed a fascinating talk about beekeeping at their July meeting.
Speaker Jeff Kitto explained how he had been introduced to beekeeping at a young age. He told the members how he looks after his bees, the dangers they are facing and how everyone can help. All wild bees have now disappeared and it is only the bees kept by beekeepers that keep our countryside pollinated.
The competition for an unusual item beginning with the letter ‘B’ yielded a bedpan, barometer, brooch and many more.
The raffle was drawn and the evening ended with an expected ‘Old Time Music Hall’ style recitation by member, Jill Blunn.
Next months theme will be Harvest Festival with a collection and auction on behalf of the Women’s Refuge in Penzance. Members are asked to bring donation of kitchen equipment, dried foods and any housewares that will be helpful for someone setting up a new life.