Yorkshire WI Holiday

The West Yorkshire Federation of WIs would like to invite any interested WI members on their holiday in the wonderful county of Yorkshire. Accommodation is at The Rendezvous Hotel, a family owned spa hotel with a superb location, alongside the Leeds Liverpool canal, and less than a mile from the delightful market town of Skipton, […]

Hydration Survey

This past July, we wrote about the importance of keeping hydrated. The hydration awareness campaign is run by Royal Cornwall Hospital’s Infection Prevention and Control department. Project Lead, Belinda Caslake, would like WI members to take a few moments to fill in a short and easy survey:  https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/BYLNBJG Thank you!

What’s Buzzing at Wheal Buzzy?

Earlier this year, we wrote about the Wheal Buzzy project, an initiative designed to increase awareness and habitat of the Duchy’s nationally important miner (solitary) bees, so named because, unlike honeybees and bumblebees, they do not live in colonies. Did you know that there are between 250 and 270 species of solitary bee in the […]

CFWI Board of Trustees 2019-2020

At a Special Meeting of the CFWI Board of Trustees today, officers for the 2019/20 year were elected. Margaret Johnson of Bodmin WI was elected Chairman. Penny Picton of Illogan WI was elected Treasurer. Vice-Chairmen are Jane Dover of Truro WI and Helen Kestle of Crowlas & Ludgvan WI. The rest of the Board is […]

Bodmin Gaolbirds Host 4-Corner Day

Bodmin Gaolbirds WI hosted a second very successful four corner craft day on Saturday 12 October at Lanivet Community Centre. Forty-five women from across Cornwall participated and each chose to complete two of the four Christmas-themed crafts available. A paper-crafted wreath, zentangle Christmas cards, a patchwork Christmas tree decoration and a beaded tree decoration. Homemade […]

Helston Fatstock Show 2019

This year’s Helston Fatstock Show will be held on Saturday 9th November at Franchis Farm in Helston. The theme of this year’s Co-Operative Entry is ‘The Night before Christmas’. See the full Show schedule here and an entry form here. Follow the Helston Fatstock Show Facebook page for updates and news. This year, the Show […]

2019 Winning Blaikley Salver Poem

This year’s Blaikley Salver poetry competition, on the theme ‘My Green Heart’, was won by Sheila Allen of Roche Rockers WI. In case you weren’t at today’s Annual Council Meeting and missed hearing Sheila receite her prize-winning poem, we publish it here: My Green Heart The forest wakes from slumber in multi shades of green […]

Fun at the Annual Council Meeting!

Those of you were at the Regal Theatre today will know what a good time the Annual Council Meeting was! The Board of Trustees dressed up, each as a different decade, and talked a little bit about WI resolutions over the past 100 years. Special guest NFWI Chair Lynne Stubbings gave a brilliant and inspirational […]