Volunteer Opportunities with First Light

First Light is a charity supporting people affected by domestic abuse and sexual violence in Cornwall, Devon and Wiltshire. First Light is independent of statutory agencies, including the Police, and every year helps over 5,000 women, men and children in South West England to lead safer lives, free from violence and abuse. First Light is […]

A Birthday Outing for Constantine WI

Constantine WI celebrated its 68th birthday with a trip up the Fal, with a pasty supper on board. Partners and husbands were invited to join the group on their celebratory outing. Luckily, the weather stayed fair, if a little windy to begin with. A brilliant time was had by all.

Missing RCS Competition Entry

Carnbrea WI has a request for all WI members who were at the Royal Cornwall Show to pick up competition entries at the end of the day on Saturday: “Despite two of our members arriving at the Showground in good time to collect our competition entry, they were prevented from proceeding beyond the gates because […]

‘The Time is Now’ Westminster Climate Lobby

Report from Mary Lindsey, Climate Ambassador and member of Truro WI On 26th June, over 12,000 people gathered in Westminster to tell their MPs in person that the ‘Time is Now’ to act on the climate and nature crisis. We simply don’t have time to wait because our world is under threat like never before. […]

Stay Hydrated!

In this hot weather, we all know how important it is to stay hydrated. But it’s not just vital during the summer months – proper hydration can help us all prevent infections and keep antibiotics working. We received the following poster from Belinda Caslake, Bug and Drug Project Lead at the Royal Cornwall Hospital’s Infection […]

Boconnoc Garden Party

We hope lots of you will be coming out to our wonderful Garden Party at Boconnoc on Sunday! So far, the forecast looks good!   On the agenda for the day is a Hat Parade! Decorate a spectacular or silly hat and you might be the winner of first prize! No restrictions – the sky’s […]

CFWI Camping Weekend!

Now that summer has actually arrived, our thoughts are turning to our upcoming Cakes, Craft & Camping Weekend! We can promise you three days and two nights jam-packed with things to do, people to talk to and loads of fun. The cost of £100 is for an entire weekend – camping pitch for two nights, […]