Carnbrea WI has a request for all WI members who were at the Royal Cornwall Show to pick up competition entries at the end of the day on Saturday:
“Despite two of our members arriving at the Showground in good time to collect our competition entry, they were prevented from proceeding beyond the gates because of a medical emergency, and therefore arrived at the WI marquee after everything had all been cleared away. By the time we arrived, we found that our competition entry had disappeared. We were wondering whether anyone could throw any light on the mystery, or maybe spotted an intruder picking up our stand (fairly distinctive as it had a Cornish flag as a base) in the general melee after everyone had left. I know it is a long time since the Show, and we are clutching at straws, but it is a puzzle! As well as the Cornish flag there was a bal maiden’s bonnet fairly prominent on the exhibit. Please contact if you have any news. Our competition stand needs to come home!”
Your help is appreciated!