Knitted Christmas Pudding ‘Recipe’

Some of you who came to Tea & Tinsel yesterday asked for a pattern for the lovely little knitted Christmas puddings on the tables (made by our own clever Federation Chairman, Margaret Johns0n). The puds hold a Ferrero Rocher (or similar) chocolate and are perfect little gifts. Why not give it a go? The “recipe” […]

Christmas Came Early to Chy Noweth

Fifty WI members from all over Cornwall descended on Chy Noweth today for an early taste of Christmas. It was ‘Tea and Tinsel’, always a popular event for CFWI. The Board of Trustees served members a delicious afternoon tea of sandwiches, sausage rolls, scones, cakes and meringues. Once the crackers were pulled, Nigel Skews entertained […]

Mawnan WI Celebrates UK Parliament Week

To commemorate the centenary of the first women being given the right to vote, Mawnan WI marked UK Parliament Week by mounting a celebratory montage of women in the South West who campaigned for equal voting rights. The montage is on display in Mawnan Memorial Hall. UK Parliament Week is a UK-wide festival held in […]

Royal Cornwall Show 2019

We invite WIs to enter the 2019 Royal Cornwall Show Cup competition, A Celebration of Cornwall. There is plenty of time for you to don those thinking caps and come up with something truly original to mark this occasion. It might include a special place, story, person, landmark or typical Cornish event. You can really […]

A 70th Birthday Celebration for Germoe & District WI

Germoe & District WI members celebrated their 70th birthday at their November meeting by holding a buffet supper with invited guests. Liz Anderson, CFWI Adviser, joined members from Sithney & District WI, Perranuthnoe & District WI and several ex-members, including founder member Virginia Laity. The membership carries on down the generations from original founder members […]

WI Members of a Feather Flock Together

After an early start and on a rather grey and mizzly day, a group of WI members set off last week on a Federation birdwatching trip. They headed to a new venue for us all, the RSPB reserve at Bowling Green Marsh Exeter. Accompanied by Roger Hooper, a knowledgeable and enthusiasic volunteer for RSPB, the […]

Mawnan WI’s Bras Head to Africa!

When Mawnan WI asked their members and the village community to donate bras for girls and women in Africa, they didn’t expect such an incredible response! How many bras do you think they collected? Nearly 700 bras were handed in to the collection points at the local café and the village primary school whose help […]

Hayle Four-Corner Day Success!

Hayle WI hosted a lovely four-corner day on Saturday, with women from all over the county. Hayle WI members contributed lots of delicious cakes too! The crafts on offer were: willow work, rag wreaths and baubles, felt Christmas tree decoration and gift boxes. The raffle raised £31 for Hayle Daycare Centre. Well done to everyone […]