Crantock WI Makes Plans for Remembrance Sunday

Crantock WI members have been busy. Last Wednesday, they held a clay poppy small group session. The members are making clay poppies to complement the knitted ones that have become so well known in the village on Remembrance Sunday. Crantock President Linda Hallwood says, “We don’t expect it will rival that of the Tower of […]

Celebrate the WI’s 106th Birthday!

WI Birthday Celebrations will take place on the week commencing 13 September 2021, and NFWI would like you all to join in the festivities! Afternoon Tea Treats NFWI would like members to share their recipes for Afternoon Tea treats; these will then be amalgamated and made in to a virtual album that will be made […]

Meet Rosie the Scarecrow

A group of Stithians WI members created Rosie the Scarecrow for the village’s Scarecrow Festival organised jointly by the Parish Council and Stithians Show. Forty or so scarecrows popped up around the village and whilst Stithians WI’s entry did not win, Rosie certainly attracted a lot of attention and many stopped to read the advertising […]

A 96th Birthday Celebration for Lezant WI

Like so many WIs last year, Lezant WI missed a big birthday celebration in 2020. But as it was such a lovely day yesterday, they met to celebrate their 96th (and belated 95th) birthday at their first real live meeting for 19 months. The event was held at at Lezant member Alice Brown’s Antique Chairs […]

Book Your Annual Council Meeting Ticket!

Don’t forget to book your ticket for this year’s Annual Council Meeting, to be held on Wednesday 20 October at the newly refurbished Hall for Cornwall in Truro. We are thrilled to be welcoming guest speaker Reverend Kate Bottley who will talk to us about ‘God and the Gogglebox’. With a cup of tea always […]

A Sunny Garden Party in Germoe

Germoe and District WI held a garden party in one of their members’ gardens on what turned out to be a splendid sunny afternoon. This was their first proper face-to-face meeting since lockdown. Zoom meetings had been trialled but, due to the notoriously bad internet in the area, they didn’t work too well. The Garden […]

Porthleven WI Holds Summer Buffet

With the Public Hall still closed, Porthleven WI members braved the weather for their July meeting. It was a lovely evening for the Summer Buffet and Quiz. Quiz winners were Jayne and Alison. Porthleven WI meets on the second Wednesday of the month. Members also meet for an informal picnic lunch each Wednesday. New members […]

‘WI Talk’ by Sheila Goldsworthy

Sheila Goldsworthy writes a wonderful monthly WI column for The Cornishman. Here is Sheila’s July column: With optimism rising and most WIs having held their Annual Meetings, we can now start to consider all the WI events we normally attend, so shake the creases out of that posh frock you last wore 18 months ago, […]