Boscastle WI members enjoy the pleasure of each others company in numerous ways, one of which is through their Garden Club, formed during lockdown.
The Garden Club has included trips to open gardens around the area, as well as to members’ gardens. It’s always a real treat to see what people can create in their unique spaces in Boscastle’s rather rugged, North Cornwall climate; where residents are blessed with warmth but also raging winds and salt. The members have learnt so much from each other, from what they are doing in their gardens, what professional gardeners are doing to protect plants from the weather, from slugs and snails and from other creatures that are geared to foil gardening efforts. More than anything the women enjoy each others company and support each other in their efforts.
This year, organisers Claire Hewlett and Sue Kittle came up with the idea for a photo competition for the best reflection of what members have seen in the gardens.
Lots of lovely photos were submitted, from plants to garden/craft rooms, from individual plants to tables laden with cakes and tea. The winning photos showed members enjoying the gardens and each other’s company.
The photograph above shows a few of the members wandering along the riverside path created by Sue Kittle and her husband in the Pencarrow area – such a peaceful and leafy contrast to the rest of Sue’s garden, which is beautifully manicured.
The second photograph illustrates the relaxed, happy summery spirit of some of the Boscastle women as they gathered outside Claire Hewlett’s home in Camelford, framed by her glorious daisies; all this despite the heat and devastation of the summer drought.