Are you part of a WI knitting group, or are there members of your WI who love to knit? Working with The Big Jubilee Lunch, NFWI has an exciting opportunity for WI members in Cornwall who are taking part and knitting corgis for “Where’s WInnie?”
The WI’s new craft competition “Where’s WInnie?” was launched in March. The pattern (published in WI Life in March) had a hiccup or two and a corrected one is on MyWI. But you are very welcome to change that pattern or use your own pattern – all WInnies are welcome!
As a great start to the competition, we would like to take some lovely pictures of a WInnie or two with their knitters at The Eden Project.
Interested? Please contact as soon as possible to find out more. Or contact Julia Havard, Chair of our CFWI Environment & Public Affairs Sub-committee, on or 01736 740479