Pillaton WI Helps Air Ambulance Heli Appeal

Four members from Pillaton WI went airside to present a cheque for £431.20 to Cornwall Air Ambulance for their New Heli Appeal. The money was collected from Pillaton’s annual carol singing evening which was very well attended. The members were warmly welcomed at Air Ambulance HQ with tea and coffee, and were then shown around […]

Mawnan WI Dances away the Cobwebs!

Sixty-five members of Mawnan WI would agree that there’s no better way of shaking off the cobwebs after the holidays than doing a bit of line dancing! The Memorial Hall was packed when local dance instructor, Gill Sadler, came to lead the women through several routines. There were lots of smiles as well as deep […]

Lady Denman Cup Competition 2020

The Lady Denman Cup Competition is an annual writing competition run by NFWI. This year’s theme is ‘What I heard on the bus …’. Using no more than 500 words, WI members are invited to submit a piece of writing, either comical, serious, fact or fiction, based on a conversation they have overheard, or imagined […]

Clean Cornwall Newsletter

Please click here to read the latest monthly newsletter from Clean Cornwall.  You might also be interested in reading Clean Cornwall’s 2019 Annual Report on Litter Picking and Beach Cleans. Was your WI involved with a litter pick? If not, there’s something to put on your calendar for 2020! If your WI did participate in […]

Bodmin WI Members Donate to a Worthy Cause

It was a surprise to Bodmin WI members, when Dave Brown from St Petrocs told them there are three houses for the homeless in Bodmin. St Petrocs is a Cornwall-based charity that provides support, advice and accommodation for single homeless people. Using their December meeting, Bodmin WI members donated a table of goodies – from […]