Royal Visitors to St Tudy

Members of St Tudy WI were asked to prepare a lunchtime buffet as part of the special visitation of the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall. The Duke and Duchess were there to open the coffee shop extension to the Village Community Shop and then went on to the Village Hall to meet present and past […]

Take a Town: Saltash

For those of you who are thinking of attending our ‘Take a Town: Saltash’ event on 20th September, we have a bit more information for you! The day was advertised as including a chance to see the Saltash Tapestry. Now, however, we will also have the special treat of meeting the tapestry’s designer and principal […]

More Suffragettes!

If you live anywhere near Hayle, you may have seen Hayle WI’s contribution to ‘Hayle in Bloom’. She’s Flora the Suffragette and she’s magnificent! Pay her a visit next time you’re in the area! The village of Ladock held an amazing Flower Festival in the local church earlier this month to commemorate the end of […]

Suffragette Fever Hits Cornwall!

Members of Sticker WI took part in Sticker Festival last month, dressed as suffregettes. Or are they suffragists? Earlier in the month, Mawnan WI held their own celebration with a Women’s Vote March. Over 130 marchers, including WI members, families and friends, Rainbows, Brownies and Guides and their leaders and women from the village along […]

Walking Netball Opportunities!

Are you or any members of your WI interested in having a go at Walking Netball? Here are details of some local netball activities you might like to try: Saltash Community School Tuesdays @ 7pm – 8pm Every week from 17th April – 24th July 2018 Will start again in September 2018 – times & […]

What Would You Like to Do?

We want your ideas! What sort of events would you like the Federation to organise? Is there something you’re dying to try out but never have? Have we missed a trick? Is there something you’ve heard about in another Federation that you think we should be doing? Please let us know! There are so many […]