Illogan WI in WI Life!

If you’ve already read your copy of the March 2022 issue of WI Life, did you spot our own Illogan WI on page 10? The article is about Illogan’s planting of a tree as part of The Queen’s Green Canopy project. The Cornwall Federation has also planted a Queen’s Green Canopy at Chy Noweth – […]

Blunts WI Plants a Tree for the Jubilee

Last autumn, members of Blunts WI decided to respond to the Queen’s request that as many people as possible should plant a tree to mark her Platinum Jubilee. In February, some of the members went to a local nursery and chose a beautiful flowering cherry called Royal Flame, which they planted last weekend. Pictured here […]

A Special Invitation from Our Climate Ambassadors

WI Climate Ambassadors from the St Ives constituency have been hosting monthly webinars jointly with  MP Derek Thomas for well over a year, and have had some very good speakers discussing climate-related issues. On 9 March at 6pm the guest speaker will be Alok Sharma, President of COP26, and members will have the opportunity to […]

Where’s WInnie?

To honour The Queen’s longstanding relationship with the WI, and as President of Sandringham WI, Norfolk Federation, WI members are being asked to knit a corgi named WInnie and hide her in their local community as a fun surprise for others to find and keep. Members are encouraged to make as many WInnies as they […]

International Women’s Day: Tuesday 8 March

Tuesday 8 March is International Women’s Day. Why is this important to WI members? Because International Women’s Day (IWD) is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. What could be more ‘on brand’ than that for the WI? This year, the theme for IWD is #BreakTheBias We are all […]

Dydd Gŵyl Dewi Hapus

Today is St David’s Day, the feast day of St David, the patron saint of Wales. Why not make some Welsh cakes to celebrate? If you happen to have a WI meeting today, take them along with you to share with your fellow WI members. Or perhaps you’d like to have a go at the […]