First Aid Training for Trevone WI

Twelve members of Trevone WI recently attended an excellent and comprehensive first aid training day, which included both theory and practice as well as employer’s responsibilities. Working together in groups, the women gained new skills by learning critical life saving procedures and a cardiac defibrillator in emergency situations, as well as treating minor injuries. They […]

Make Jam for Cornwall Gleaning!

Have you heard of Cornwall Gleaning? They are the folk who are gleaning produce from local farmers and distributing it off to over 50 food banks, community kitchens, and hubs across the County. Since they started in August of 2021, they have gleaned nearly 50 tonnes of produce which would have otherwise gone to waste. […]

What is Your WI Doing to Show the Love?

The Climate Coalition’s annual craftivism campaign will once again be running in February. From now until Valentine’s Day, WI members and community groups around the UK will be turning red hearts green to show the love for all the things we want to protect against the effects of climate change. So please encourage your WI […]

Royal Cornwall Show 2022

It looks as though the Royal Cornwall Show will definitely be going ahead this June after a long break! We are so happy! Is your WI planning to enter our Royal Cornwall Show Cup competition? We hope so! The theme this year is ‘A Family Celebration’ so there’s lots of scope for creativity and fun […]

Would You Like to be a Climate Ambassador?

Have you ever considered becoming a WI Climate Ambassador? Or even just wondered what they do? Hopefully, you have heard the Climate Ambassadors’ talks at our Annual Council Meetings, or read their ‘Green Corner’ in County News and picked up some tips for reducing your own carbon footprint. As we all become more aware of […]

Learn about CFWI’s Sub-Committees!

Have you ever wondered what it means to serve on a CFWI Sub-committee? Do you think you might be interested, but perhaps you don’t know enough to take a further step? Come to our Drop-In Morning, where you’ll have the opportunity to chat in a relaxed and friendly way with representatives from our various Sub-committees […]

The Covid Chronicles

During lockdown, our Arts & Leisure Sub-committee put out a call to members, asking you to tell us about your life during the Covid pandemic.   The aim was to compile an illustrated record of 2020 and 2021,to document the lives of Cornwall WI members during this momentous period. After all, it’s history in the […]

Boscastle WI Members Hit the Gin!

As part of their year-end festivities, Boscastle WI members enjoyed a tour of Tarquin’s Cornish Gin, located between Wadebridge and Padstow. The tour was part of Tarquin’s sponsorship for Boscastle WI’s recipe book, created for sale during the first Covid-19 lock-down. The group learned about the processes involved in making this gin, including the special […]

Trevone WI Christmas Party

Trevone WI had a fun afternoon in December when Emma Scott from Mellingey Mill Willow Craft Centre went along to lead a workshop on making a Christmas Star out of willow.  After a demonstration they found it much harder than they thought to bend and position the willow canes and were so deep in concentration […]