CFWI Chair Helen Kestle presented a certificate and rosette to St Kew WI President
The Exhibitions Centre on the Royal Cornwall Showgrounds (known to most of us as the cattle shed!) was jam-packed with people on Saturday 20 November. People had turned up from all over the county for this wonderful free event showcasing some of the best food, drink and craft available.
The competitions area of the Centre was where CFWI Chair Helen Kestle, CFWI Vice-Chair Pam Selley and CFWI Trustee Margaret Johnson took up their posts, chatting to WI members and prospective members. The three were proud to show off the entries in the WI classes to the public – we didn’t have many entries but they were all of extremely high calibre.
The WI Competition was won by St Kew WI, with Bodmin Gaolbirds WI coming second.
The theme for the WI competition this year was ‘A Christmas Fireside’. Both entries were both beautifully and imaginatively crafted with a variety of Christmassy items from sloe gin to candied fruit cake, chocolate truffles and mince pies and more. The fireplace backdrops were festively decorated with either a wreath, floral arrangement or Christmas cards – not forgetting the Christmas stocking! Seeing these wonderful creations really set the mood for Christmas.

St Kew WI’s winning Christmas Fireside competition entry

Second prize went to Bodmin Gaolbirds WI
In addition, there were a good number of entries in the individual competitions, with WI members entering three floral art classes and various crafts classes.

Boscastle WI member Helen Hunt (right) with Myra Langdon, accepting the Howard Mewton Perpetual Challenge Cup, awarded to the WI member gaining the most points in the Open and Floral Art Classes.
Well done to all the winners, and thank you to all of those who entered. We hope more WIs will get interested next November and will want to join in. Most of the classes available are designed to be simple projects that members can produce relatively easily. Keep a look out next autumn for details of the 2022 Winter Fair!