St Neot WI members supported the #ShowTheLove campaign this year by sharing their green hearts at the village pantomime, with a display of the hearts in the village shop. They were able to spread their message about climate change to their wider community and help get the word out that we can all make a difference.

St Neot WI members showing off their green hearts at the village panto
In Mawnan Smith, members of Mawnan WI said, “We love where we live and want to ensure that in the future others will be able to enjoy this area of outstanding natural beauty”. Brownies and Rainbows, the village school and Mawnan WI have all been concerned about plastics in the seas and the problem of unrecyclable items. Recently all these groups have started to collect plastic milk bottle tops which are collected by a charity which funds the making of wheel chairs. Following on from this it seemed a natural progression to join forces to celebrate Green Hearts Day on 14th February to draw attention to issues relating to climate change the the need to protect our environment. Mawnan WI ladies went along to a joint Rainbows and Brownies meeting and helped to make green hearts which will be hung on trees in the centre of the village.

Mawnan WI members, along with Brownies and Rainbows, proudly displaying their green hearts
Well done, St Neot and Mawnan WIs! Did your WI do anything to help #ShowtheLove this year? Please let us know if you did. We’d like to share your stories.