We have extended the deadline for entering the Royal Cornwall Show competitions! You now have until Thursday 14 April to get your application in. Remember, at this point all you need to do is send us your application form and fee. You then have until June to create your masterpiece!
The Royal Cornwall Show Cup Competition is a project for at least four members of your WI to work on together. The theme this year is ‘Family Celebration’ which leaves so much scope for creativity. This is a great way to involve your WI members to work together cooperatively. The full schedule and application form can be found here.
The Barbara Reed Trophy Competition is an individual competition in which you must create a keepsake box. The full schedule and application form can be found here.
There are a variety of Floral Art Competition classes available for individual WI members to enter, including a novice category. What better way to dip your foot in and give it a go! The full schedules and application form can be found here.
Remember – just send us your application form now. You still have over two months to create your entry!