A new campaign was launched earlier this month, with the aim of educating young people/students on the basics of food hygiene.
Many of our WI members have children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews leaving home for the first time in the autumn. When going to university or living away from home for the first time, young people may be taking on responsibility for preparing and cooking food. So, it’s important that students understand the basics of food hygiene so they can stay safe and not let food poisoning affect their experience.
New consumer food safety messaging research has shown that those who aren’t confident preparing food, are more receptive to food hygiene advice. This gives us the opportunity to engage them and impact their behaviour.
The Food Standards Agency has launched a four-week campaign to educate students on the basics of food hygiene and aims to help university students understand food safety, as well as:
- Understanding use-by and best before dates
- Freezing and defrosting your food
- Food Hygiene in a shared fridge
- Cooking your food properly
To find out more, and to access the assets provided for this campaign, please use the link below:
This is information has been provided, and led, by the Food Standards Agency; the NFWI has had no influence nor involvement in the campaign, therefore any queries regarding this email should be directed to Sheila.benjamin@food.gov.uk