Get Help with Your WI’s Annual Meeting!

Although we’re all in the midst of our Christmas plans, the new year will be with us before we know it, bringing with it our February/March WI Annual Meetings.

Do you feel confident about how to run your Annual Meeting? Do you know how to hold an election for WI President? Do you need help writing an agenda for your Annual Meeting? Do you know what should be included in your Committee Report?

If any of these questions have been on your mind, we can help!

We’ll be holding two sessions in January to answer all your questions about Annual Meetings – one session in person, and one on Zoom. There’s something for everyone!

  • Wednesday 18 January – 7pm-9pm – via Zoom (£4.50 per WI)
  • Friday 20 January – 10.30am-12.30pm – at Chy Noweth an Conteth (£9 per WI

These sessions are not just for Officers or committee members; they’re for anyone with an interest in learning more about how the WI operates and how to make your WI run smoothly.

As these are training sessions, the cost can be paid for from your WI funds.

The closing date is 15 December, but do get in touch even if it’s after that date as we will attempt to squeeze you in. Contact the Office on 01872 272843 or

Posted in Uncategorized.


  1. Hi
    Please can we book one place for Chynoweth session for annual meeting training?
    It’s possible we may have another but definitely one please.
    Wendy Harris
    Porthleven WI

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