HM Queen Elizabeth II: Our Members Remember

I was fortunate to be present at the National Trust Anniversary Garden Party at Buckingham Palace on one of the hottest days in July 1995.

I stood behind one of the ladies who was being presented to Her Majesty so I had a wonderful view of the Queen. Dressed in yellow and carrying a parasol reputed to have belonged to Queen Victoria, Her Majesty looked refreshed and cool (unlike most of the guests) as she chatted with those designated to meet her. Prince Charles (as he was then) was meeting other guests in the row just behind me.

Tea had already been served on the lawn so we were then invited to walk through the ground floor of the Palace to our waiting transport. What a wonderful feeling as we emerged from the front door to see all the sightseers taking photographs. We could be forgiven for thinking they were there to photograph us and not the royals. A day to remember!

– Margaret (Rita) Calvert, Cury WI

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