How is Your WI Celebrating Great Big Green Week?

This week is the Climate Coalition Great Big Green Week, and WIs across the country have been staging events to raise the issue of climate change and put pressure on the Government to move quickly and decisively to reduce UK emissions and help us to be more resilient to climate shocks.

Cornwall Climate Ambassadors took advantage of the wonderful WI marquee at the Royal Cornwall Show to display their ‘We Can All Make a Difference’ banner, and hand out hundreds of copies of their booklet Green Tips: Coping with Climate Change. The whole marquee was hung with green-themed bunting made by members of Cornwall WIs, and ceramic green hearts badges were handed out to visitors to the stall.

If your WI has taken part in the Great Big Green Week, don’t forget to send some photographs to, and to share them on the Climate Coalition social media sites as well, using the hashtag #GreatBigGreenWeek. And look out for the Cornwall Federation Climate Ambassadors on the Climate Coalition website!

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