International Women’s Day Pledge board
On MyWI you can download International Women’s Day pledge boards. This is a great way to share your views about what needs to change and take a stand on gender equality. You can also encourage people around you to think about what they can do to tackle the issue in their day-to-day, and make a pledge.
- Download one of our pledge boards.
- Fill it in and take a picture of yourself holding it up.
- Share your photo with NFWI via email to or share it on social media on International Women’s Day and tag the WI on Twitter or Instagram @WomensInstitute.
- On the day, NFWI will share as many of your boards as possible on social media channels.
Please do spread the word by asking your fellow members and those around you to make a pledge. Please remember to ask for their permission before sharing any photos.
Pledge board #1: This International Women’s Day I’m pledging to …
Pledge board #2: We need gender equality because …
It would be great to see a lot of pledge board photos from Cornwall WI members!
International Women’s Day 2023 Women in Leadership webinar
On 9 March 2023 from 7 to 9pm, the NFWI will be hosting a webinar on Zoom for WI members and members from the Six-O group, which is made up of the six leading women’s organisations in the UK. The webinar will offer WI members and members from the Six-O group the chance to hear from expert speakers on the importance of women in leadership, who will also share their experiences of being a woman in a leadership role.
Click here to register your place on this free webinar.
Member survey on gender equality
The WI wants to understand more about how gender equality and its progress is perceived among members, so that it can be highlighted during International Women’s Day. To do this, a short survey has been developed for members to take.
The survey will take no more than 5 minutes to complete, is completely anonymous and is a great way to share how you are experiencing the fight for gender equality. The findings will be used in future campaigning work.
The survey is for WI members and is open until Sunday 26 February.
Please share the survey with other members who might want to share their views.