Artemisia Gentileschi, Self Portrait as Saint Catherine of Alexandria, about 1615-17. @The National Gallery
Here’s a great project for you to work on while you’re stuck in lockdown! Get your creative juices flowing and write a piece for the Lady Denman Cup Competition!
This year’s theme is: “Let me show you what a woman can do!”
The Lady Denman Cup Competition 2021 will be held in partnership with the National Gallery. Using no more than 500 words, WI members are invited to submit a piece of writing, fact or fiction, in any style (story, poem, etc.) based on the painting pictured here by Artemisia Gentileschi.
Entries can be submitted either via email or by hard copy.
Entrants must submit an email of their entry, or 4 copies of their entry (typed if possible, on A4 paper) to their Federation Secretary no later than Friday 30th July 2021. Any entries sent directly to the NFWI without being approved by CFWI, cannot be entered and will be returned to the entrant.
Entries must be accompanied by a completed Individual Entry Form.
All entries will be judged by CFWI, and up to three entries may be chosen to go forward to the national competition.
Good luck!