As part of their centenary celebrations, Mawnan WI had arranged to walk a modest 100 miles. Members had been asked to elect for a 2 ½ mile, 5 mile or 10 mile walk with the aim of a cumulative total of 100 miles. The starting times for the groups were to be staggered so that all the participants could meet up for an afternoon cream tea at Trebah Gardens.
Organiser Claire Richardson said: “When lockdown came along, we had to reassess how we could do this. We decided that over the second fortnight of the month we would ask members to keep a tally of the walks they did for their daily exercise and would then add them all up together.”
More than half the members took part, and found the challenge motivating. Many took selfies when they were out and these were emailed to members to encourage further participation.
Although this was never envisaged as a competition, the three walkers who covered the most miles were awarded certificates: Sue Moxom accumulated 68 miles, Janet Smith reached 60 miles and Pauline Smith achieved 57 miles. The grand total surpassed all expectations: 1426 miles! That would take you from Mawnan Smith to Inverness and back, with some miles spare!
Mawnan WI President, Gill Druce said: “What a wonderful achievement! These walks have been a really important part of staying connected to one another in these difficult times. We have had a lot of fun looking at the photographs of each other out and about, and have been able to share suggestions for walks in and around the village.”