Mawnan WI Provides Care Bags to St Petroc’s

This week, Mawnan WI held a special Coffee Drop-In at Trebah Garden to present Christmas Care Bags to Sandra Sandercock, a representative from St Petroc’s. The bags were all made by members re-using donated fabric.

Mawnan WI held several events to raise money to purchase the toiletries: In September they held a mug tombola at the Run Mawnan event; in October they set up a pop-up stall selling scarves and books; and this month they sold mulled wine and mince pies at the village Christmas Lights Switch On. The members have also put up a charity fundraising Christmas tree outside the Memorial Hall and have asked for donations.

Mawnan WI is extremely grateful to Trebah Garden for the generous contribution of items which have also been included in the 57 bags which will be given to both women and men. Sandra thanked the members as well for warm clothing which they collected in November. This has been a project which has been superbly supported by both WI members and Mawnan residents.

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