As the summer months have come to an end, so too have Mawnan WI’s celebrations of the centenary of Women’s Suffrage.
Following a number of events, which have included making rosettes and a banner for a commemorative march from the centre of the village to Trebah Gardens, women and girls and men and boys living in the community were invited to the Memorial Hall for a free screening of the film “Suffragette”. Popcorn was served as the audience settled to view this evocative dramatisation of a young woman’s journey from laundry worker to becoming a suffragette. What an emotional roller coaster! There was hardly a dry eye in the house by the time the climax of the film was reached with the scene in which Emily Wilding Davison was trodden to death by the King’s horse.
In her welcome to the audience, Sally Annan, Mawnan WI President, thanked Councillor John Bastin for the grant which enabled the event to take place. It was agreed that this was a fitting way to conclude our celebration of the achievements of the inspirational suffragettes who did so much to improve the lives of women.