A message from Cornwall Council Carbon Neutral Cornwall
Cornwall’s wonderful community spirit has once again, predictably, excelled and it is with that marvellous spirit that we will be able to endure and thrive during these unprecedented times of the Coronavirus pandemic and climate change.
We hope you are well and keeping healthy. If you or someone in your family has the virus we hope you recover well.
The Prime Minister’s announcement on 23 March marked a temporary but momentous change to the way we live our lives in Cornwall and the rest of the UK, with unprecedented restrictions on freedom of movement to limit the effects of the Coronavirus.
With travel currently restricted to three very specific reasons Cornwall’s roads are quiet. Whilst we can’t know what the long-term effect will be, there will be time, once the restrictions of the Coronavirus have diminished, for us to reflect and consider the low carbon learning and how we have all been able to adapt and innovate.
Council staff and other organisations and businesses are able to take part in online meetings and keep in touch with each other, family and friends through online apps. With transport being one of the highest causes of greenhouse gas emissions in Cornwall, we will be looking at how the Coronavirus has reduced Council business mileage and travel in general throughout Cornwall.
Whilst we can’t know what the long-term effect will be, there will be a time, once the restrictions of the Coronavirus have diminished, for us to reflect and consider the low carbon learning and how we have all been able to adapt and innovate. We and others will also be considering how Cornwall’s wonderful community spirit can carry on helping people whilst benefiting the environment.
New Climate Change Planning Development Document
Whilst social distancing has meant we have had to limit public meetings and events, the Council will be seeking views on how planning rules can combat climate change from 30 March until 15 May 2020 online. You can contribute ideas and comments on the scoping document online and through other means. We will be making paper copies of the document available on request and there will be online events and question and answer sessions on Skype. To comment on the scoping Climate Change DPD and for more information about how to comment please visit our website.
We do hope you stay well but remember if you or someone you care about is taken ill, through the Coronavirus or another illness, we now know that people recover better if they can see a tree.
We hope you will still be able to enjoy your own garden or a nearby walk, whilst observing the Government’s two metre distance guidelines, to keep your spirits up during these extraordinary times.
Kind regards
Cornwall Council Carbon Neutral Cornwall