If you tuned into Radio Cornwall last night, you’ll have had a double-feature of WI interviews!
First, Kathy Reed, WI Adviser, Chairman of the Membership Support sub-committee and our own Denman Ambassador, was interviewed. Kathy talked about the role of WI Advisers at the Royal Cornwall Show and a bit about our Federation visits to Denman.
Later, we heard Liz Llewellyn-Jones, a member of the Board of Trustees and Chairman of the Combined Arts sub-committee, as she spoke about the theme of this year’s RCS Cup Competition. She even read one of the limericks that had been submitted for the competition.
After three days of hearing about M&S’s new strawberry-flavoured clotted cream from the Radio Cornwall presenters, we’re curious: What’s your take on it? Yea or nay?
If you missed hearing Kathy and Liz last night, click here. Kathy can be found at the 18:40 mark and Liz at the 2:14:08 mark.
Don’t forget to listen this evening for our final interview – Fran Winsor, Chairman of the Exhibitions sub-committee, will be talking about what happens on the last day of the show.