Photo by Helen Gaches
A little ditty composed by members of Penpol & Point WI, following their recent walk on the Lizard on a wet and windy May day:
As we met with fellow walkers on Lizard Village Green
We immediately sensed our walk was going to be very wet.
The rain began to fall and the foghorn blew but we were still keen
Despite the rain increasing steadily and the dark clouds looming off we set.
Us stoic WI members overlooked all this – we were determined to give it a go
Two of us trying new boots and all suitably attired in our waterproof gear,
Clutching our list of clues and corresponding map we headed south looking high and low
Trying to cross off clues to find this “imaginary” treasure lurking near.
After solving the first three clues our paper sheets got rather soggy
The printer ink ran making the clues impossible to read.
By the time we reached Church Cove the ground was very boggy,
Slippy and muddy but up the cliff we carefully tread.
Suddenly the rain eased so we paused to admire the views,
We spotted a lone sailing yacht sticking close to the coastline.
We reached the RNLI Lifeboat station and began to search for missing clues
Unfortunately, the decorators had removed the answer we needed for clue number nine.
Our paperwork was by now impossible to read so we focused on coffee and lunch!
Every minute looked brighter as we left Bass Point towards Housel Bay
Then scrambled down to the bridge grasping the undergrowth by the bunch
The slate steps were slippery, this descent was the biggest challenge of the day.