We all like it, some more than others, but Winnie the Pooh loves it! What is it? It’s honey of course!
Somebody who not only likes to eat honey but also produces it came along to Pensilva WI’s January meeting to talk about the honey bee. Dale Wood was full of interesting facts about the honey bee, bumblebee and the solitary bee. The group learned about the bees’ lifespan, who does what in the colony and how many bees it takes to make a jar of honey. A honey bee only makes about 1/12 teaspoon of honey in its life so you’d have to be a mathematical genius to work out how many have contributed to one jar.
Dale also explained how everyone can help the bees by providing the right kind of flowers in our garden or perhaps even a bee hotel. A garden pond with stones in it is also good so the bee can take a little rest and have a drink in between its collection of nectar. Dale brought jars of honey for the women to buy and they certainly didn’t last long.
Next month, Pensilva Meets on Wednesday 9 February at 7.15pm at Millennium House. Guest speaker Ann Sutcliffe will be talking about ‘Women in the Middle Ages’. If you’re interested in attending or know someone who is, you can find contact details for Pensilva WI in our CFWI Year Book.