Porthleven WI’s Press Officer found herself in the spotlight at this week’s meeting when Marie Magor was presented with the trophy for flower of the month. The WI met at Porthleven Bowling Club and were treated to the memoirs of Christine Carol Meakin who spoke about her life growing up as an adopted child in a small mining village near Stoke-on-Trent following WWII. Not wanting her adoptive parents to be forgotten, she has written a book of her story, a copy of which was bought for the branch library. Several members had to wipe away a tear before the end of the tale.
A lovely sunny evening came to a close with thanks to the Bowling Club for the use of their clubhouse. Next month’s meeting will be held on Wednesday 12th June at 7:15pm, back at the Public Hall. The speaker will be continuing the story of Queen Victoria, and the competition will be for an unusual coin minted since the reign of Queen Victoria. New members are always welcome at any meeting.
The WI also re-opened their summer bookstall on Tuesday, managing to stop any books blowing into the harbour. The stall is open each Tuesday (weather permitting) on the jetty in front of the Harbour Hotel in Porthleven, 10:30am-2:30pm.