Public Affairs Digest

Here is a taster of the latest news on a couple of WI campaigns.

Members of the NFWI Public Affairs team are all working from home now – but there is still a heck of a lot going on!. This is just a taster –for more information, go to the  campaigns area of MyWI to sign up to receive a regular Public Affairs Digest. It’s well worth reading!

A survey conducted by WRAP (Waste and Resources Action Programme) has found that citizens are adopting ‘food smart’ behaviours and creating less food waste during the Covid-19 lockdown. The survey found that:

  • 63% are going to the shops less
  • More than a third are enacting certain food-saving behaviours more often than before the lockdown (e.g., checking what is in their cupboard and fridge)
  • 37% are increasingly making meals from random ingredients

Get creative with leftovers (this is the interesting bit)

During lockdown we are sharing  ideas on how to be creative with leftovers:

Food writer Jack Monroe’s Lockdown Larder twitter campaign (#JackMonroesLockdownLarder) shares recipe ideas at 5pm daily encouraging the British public to cook from existing cupboard stocks and substitute recipe ingredients for other items to avoid unnecessary trips to the shops.

WRAP’s Love Food Hate Waste blog Flung Together Food is an exciting take on what we can make from our leftovers as foodies share their recipes over Instagram.

The cervical screening programme in Wales and some appointments in England have been postponed in response to Covid-19, and members or their friends and families may have questions or concerns about this. We want to ensure that women can access the information they need and know where to turn to for support, and so during Cervical Screening Awareness Week (15-21 June), we’ll be focussing our efforts on raising awareness of what’s available.

How to get involved:

  • Help us reach more women by retweeting posts on social media
  • Use the hashtags #CervicalScreeningAwarenessWeek and #5MinutesthatMatter
  • Take part in our cervical screening research, which will launch shortly. Your feedback will help us understand how the screening programmes could be improved once health services are back on a normal footing. You can register your contact details to receive a link to the survey here.

At our first NFWI Climate Ambassadors’ virtual coffee morning last week, we had over 100 Climate Ambassadors attending the call, including a number of us from Cornwall. It was chaired by Ann Jones, NFWI’s Chair of Public Affairs. Emma Holland-Lindsay, Head of Public Affairs, gave a really interesting update on NFWI’s environmental campaigns in light of COVID-19 and news from the wider environmental sector, and a Q&A session. The session was closed by Lynne Stubbings, NFWI Chair. Here is one of the many screens full of attendees: Fiona Thomas of the Public Affairs team and Ann Jones are second and third in the top row; and NFWI Treasurer Julia Roberts is smack in the centre. Our own Mary Lindsey (one of Cornwall’s Climate Ambassadors) and Lynne Stubbings are 1st and last in the bottom row.

If you would like to become a Climate Ambassador, you can find more information here.

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