Resolution Selection Results Announced!

We have now received the results from NFWI of the resolution selection for the coming year. 

With 39.6% of members selecting it, the resolution which will go forward to the Annual Meeting at the Royal Albert Hall in June is Dental Health Matters.

This year over 95,000 selections were cast, a positive increase on last year’s figures. 

The wording of the resolution is as follows: 

Dental Health Matters 
There is a chronic shortage of NHS Dentists and people are suffering health issues as a result. The NFWI calls on the Government to increase investment in the training and retention of dentists and to review the current inadequate NHS contracts in order to ensure everyone can access an NHS dentist wherever they live. 

Next steps – voting
WIs should now consider how they wish their delegate to vote on the resolution at the NFWI Annual Meeting on 5 June 2024. All WIs get one vote on the resolution – for or against.  

WIs may choose to give their link delegate discretion to decide how to vote after hearing the speakers and the debate at the Annual Meeting. Please ensure your WI makes it clear to your link delegate whether you are granting her discretion. 

Federation Representatives and link delegates attending in-person will cast physical paper votes during the voting session. Federation Representatives and link delegates attending virtually will cast electronic votes via ElectionBuddy during the voting session. Both physical voting papers and electronic voting links will be shared with Federation Representatives and link delegates in advance of the meeting. No votes may be cast before or after the meeting. 

WIs are encouraged to hold discussion events at their May meetings to allow members to consider how they wish their delegate to vote. Members are also encouraged to attend one of the Cornwall Federation’s Resolution Roadshow events.

The NFWI will also be hosting a discussion event. Please see below for further details.  

You will now find a selection of resources to help you learn more about the resolution on My WI: 

  • Detailed briefing notes about the resolution 
  • A PowerPoint presentation on the topic 
  • A quiz to test your knowledge 
  • A Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) document about the resolutions process 
  • A discussion guide with ideas about how to discuss the resolution in your WI 

NFWI Resolution Webinar  
To support members in learning more about the resolution that will be voted upon at the Annual Meeting, the NFWI will be hosting a webinar on Wednesday 24 April at 12noon.The webinar will be an opportunity to learn more about the topic and will be open to all members to attend, so please cascade this information to your WIs.

It is intended as a supplementary opportunity to meetings and events organised by federations and WIs in advance of the Annual Meeting, so we would encourage you to continue to offer these to support members in deciding how they wish their delegate to vote.   

Members who wish to join can register their interest via MyWI.

Please note that arguments for and against the resolution will not be presented at this supplementary meeting, and no voting will take place.  

Details on how to join the event will be shared with registered attendees closer to the time, and a recording of the event will be available on My WI shortly after the event for members to access.  

If you have any questions about the NFWI Annual Meeting resolution or the resolutions process, please contact the NFWI Public Affairs Department via email ( or phone (020 7371 9300 ext.2002). 


2024/25 resolutions 

Selections received to date 


Dental Health Matters 



Impacts of Poor Housing Conditions 



Say ‘No’ to Gambling Advertising 




Improve Outcomes for Women in the CJS 




Total selections received 



Posted in Uncategorized.

One Comment

  1. Disappointed that poor housing conditions didn’t get chosen.
    Dentistry is a problem though,and I do agree that everyone should be able to access one.

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