Are you keen singer? If so, you might be interested in joining ‘Sing Your Hearts Out’, the CFWI Choir.
The choir meets once a month at Cuddra WI Hall, St Austell, on a Wednesday morning from 10:30am-12:30pm. Some additional practises may be held before a performance. The choir has been going since 2004, and over the years has performed at many different County events and always makes an appearance at the County Christmas Carol concerts.
The dates for 2017 practises are as follows:
March 15, April 19, May 17, June 21, July 19, August 16, September 20, October 18, November 15 and November 22.
We very much welcome new members to come along, have a bit of fun and share in the joy of singing together.
If you’re interested, contact Alice Brown on