CFWI’s Arts and Leisure sub-committee would like to compile an illustrated record of 2020, to document the lives of Cornwall WI members in the momentous year we have just passed through.
This is history in the making and you were there! So tell us about it! This is not a competition; there will be no prizes, no joining fees, and no judges, just a chance to be part of something memorable.
Your experiences are unique to Cornwall. We are the only county to go through the lockdowns and all the tiers of restrictions in between. We have only one major hospital, a widely fluctuating population, difficult terrain and dangerous water. How do you cope with a pandemic in those conditions?
We are bombarded with news, rules, graphs, changes, advice and statistics.
What would be valuable to know is how all this has impacted on real women trying to abide by those rules, overcome their fears and get on with everyday life? Other organizations may be making their own record but Cornwall has different pressures, both economic and social.
Would you like to take part in recording these strange times?
Tell us about your year, about how it felt, what you saw, what you did or did not do in 2020.
Paint a picture or send a photo of anything that illustrates how different things have been for you personally.
Strict rules could limit the spontaneity of response so here are some guidelines for your
Written pieces can be in any form, from one-liners to a maximum of 1000 words. Poetry, letters, diary notes, short stories and even jokes are welcome.
Suggested headings:
• Viral Verses
• Stay at Home Stories
• Lockdown Letters
• Pandemic Pictures
Pictures /art work in any medium (photocopies only)
Entry is open to all members of CFWI, but WIs can work together if they wish. The contributions may be used to compile a journal, have a slot in County News and may be
mentioned in WI Life; it all depends on what response we have.
Entries by email only to If you do not have access to email, seek help from your WI committee; someone will help sort things out for you.