Starting in April 2023, the WI will formally become a recognised partner of England Rugby, and supporter of the Women’s Rugby World Cup 2025; helping to engage with women, bring opportunities and create long-term changes for women in rugby and team sports.
News of this new partnership will be shared this week on NFWI’s social media channels, along with details around how WIs can engage in phase one of the partnership.
See the attached document for more information about this exciting new partnership!
I agree that women should have equal opportunities in sport however I totally disagree with the WI supporting a sport that can cause severe injury and death.
We the members as far as I am aware have had NO input to this decision!
Hello, Barbara. If you have concerns about this, we would recommend you contact NFWI directly, as this is not a CFWI matter. Thank you.
Do you think you should be promoting Amazon Smile? I understand it is end/ed/ing.
Thank you! We didn’t know it had ended!