‘WI Talk’ by Sheila Goldsworthy

Former CFWI Chairman and current Assistant Media Officer Sheila Goldsworthy writes a wonderful monthly WI column for The Cornishman. Here is Sheila’s July column.

WI members in Cornwall have much to look forward to in the coming months, including becoming re acquainted with nature and hopefully feeling some warmer temperatures.

It’s always a bonus to attend an event where our Adviser David Chapman is involved, and the upcoming Cornish Nature Day promises to be a magical event with an illustrated talk about Cornish wildlife. After lunch, the afternoon speaker will be Chris Jones talking about the beavers which have been reintroduced in Cornwall, and which have featured many times recently on television in nature programmes. This event will take place on Thursday 5 September,10am-4pm, at Ladock Community Hall, with a cost of £18 which includes lunch.

On Friday 20 September there is the Federation’s Apple Day. Is there anything more satisfying than munching a delicious apple? This event includes an apple themed lunch, quiz and games, making it a most enjoyable day, to be held at Chy Noweth an Conteth, 12noon for 12.30pm-3pm. Cost is £19.

Another delightful foray into nature is an event entitled Secrets of the Luxulyan Valley, surely one of the most scenic areas in Cornwall, and part of the Cornwall and West Devon Mining World Heritage site. This event will be held on Thursday 26 September and will cost £10. Members will meet at the Luxulyan Memorial Institute at 10am for a professionally guided circular walk starting from Luxulyan Village, encompassing many fascinating landscapes and hearing legendary historical details. The walk will take a good two hours with several brief stops and includes walking on minor roads, woodland paths and one or two stiles, returning over fields along the Saints’ Way back to Luxulyan. As usual, stout walking shoes are advised, and tea and coffee are available at the beginning of the walk at the Institute.

Now is the time to think about a much broader and more important outdoor exploratory subject, with the title Go Wild for Wildlife and the Allsop Cup. The Allsop Cup competition is run every five years, and includes research conducted over a period of 12 months, this time commencing in January 2025. This educational project is just what the WI – and especially the WI in Cornwall – is good at! The Cup is one of the most valuable competitions in the Federation and has had a long history of fascinating subjects. This event will provide an excellent introduction to the Allsop Cup, and will be held on Thursday 17 October at Chy Noweth an Conteth from 10am-3pm, with a cost of £15.

However, as we all know it does rain sometimes in the summer and the busy sub-committees are arranging several very tempting indoor educational events as well. The Cookery and Craft Sub-Committee is arranging two dates in September under the title Shall I Put an Air Fryer in my Trolley? Air fryers have become popular in recent years with apparently one in every two households having purchased one. So of course, our talented duo of Alison Gribble and Pat Mallett will be showing members what this piece of modern kit can do to tempt our taste buds. The first date is Thursday 12 September at Carnon Downs Village Hall at 2pm and the second date is Wednesday 18 September at Coads Green Village Hall at 7pm. The cost is £15 including refreshments.

Full concentration is required again with the Let’s Go Trophy. Applicants are invited to write in any form an account of an Arts and Leisure Sub-Committee quiz in which they have taken part within the last 18 months. Members can enter either individually or with the whole quiz team. The entries which must not be more than 500 words, and should be e-mailed to reception@cornwallwi.org.uk (with Let’s Go Trophy in the subject line of your email), or alternatively sent by post by sending two copies to Chy Noweth (with Let’s Go Trophy on the envelope). Closing date is 30 August.

This committee is very busy organizing two more stunning craft days in the autumn, so get your diaries out, to be certain not to miss these golden opportunities, both to be held at Chy Noweth an Conteth. The first is a stained glass workshop on Tuesday 1 October, 10.45-3pm. There is so much personal satisfaction from creating an item of stained glass. Tutor Liz Simpson is leading this workshop where you will have an opportunity to learn how to cut glass, foil and solder to create two beautiful pieces of stained glass. All materials are supplied except an apron, so please bring your own. Hair to be tied back please. Cost is £55.

The second craft day is a lino printed textile embellishment workshop on Monday 14 October, 10.30am-3.30pm. This is a unique opportunity to be guided through the process of producing a stunning embroidered piece using hand-printed fabric in a choice of beautiful designs. The cost is £30. Members are asked to bring a basic sewing kit and any scraps of fabric, felt, etc.

What a wealth of future pursuits to come. For further details of any of these events contact the CFWI office on reception@cornwallwi.org.uk or 01872 272843

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